This library contains models computed with the Stellar
Population Synthesis Code of the SPoT Group developed by Enzo
Brocato, Gabriella Raimondo, and Michele Cantiello. The code is
described in Brocato et al. (2000),
Brocato et al. (1999),
Raimondo (2002),
Cantiello et al. (2003),
Cantiello (2004), and
Raimondo et al. (2005).
Please, refer to those papers for a complete description of the models. Models are available at the
The models available up to now at the web-site are computed according to the following prescriptions:
Simple Stellar Populations (SSP): single-age,
single-metallicity models. The total mass of each simulation is
, unless
explicitly stated otherwise. The explored age range is
Initial Mass Function is from
Scalo (1998) in the mass
. The upper mass limit
corresponds to the highest mass evolving off the MS in the
youngest population we considered. All the more massive stars are
expected to be exploded as supernovae, being their quiescent
nuclear burning life-time as long as a few million years.
Stellar Evolution Database:
Pietrinferni et al. (2004). All the
evolutionary phases, from the Main Sequence (MS) up to the AGB,
are covered by models. In particular, the AGB evolution runs up to
the onset of the first thermal pulse or to the carbon ignition. We
selected the following metallicities
, and
, computed by adopting a
solar-scaled metal distribution with an enrichment law of
Horizontal Branch morphology is fully reproduced taking into
account the effects due to age, metallicity, and the stellar mass
spread due to the stochasticity of the mass-loss phenomena along the
RGB (Brocato et al., 2000). The RGB mass-loss rate is evaluated according
to the Reimers' law (Reimers, 1975): the standard
-value is
; a large grid of different values are also
explored (Brocato et al., 2000;
Cantiello et al., 2003). Along the HB and the early
AGB we assume a Reimer's law with
, while during the end of the AGB phase
(thermal pulses AGB, TP-AGB) we assume specific values, see next
Thermal Pulses are simulated using the analytic formulations by
Wagenhuber & Groenewegen (1998). We performed an integration of
the system of equations obtaining, for each thermal pulse, the
luminosity, the core mass, and the duration of the pulse. The
stellar temperature is derived by using prescription of
Renzini & Voli (1981), coupled with the appropriate slope
for the evolutionary tracks we are
using. Three different mass-loss rates are included: B1 and B2
mass-loss rates of Bloecker (1995), and BH mass-loss rate of
Baud & Habing (1983).
Integrated Color Indices and Surface Brightness
Fluctuations (SBF) amplitudes: for each set of SSP parameters
, mass-loss rates, etc ...) are computed over 5000
independently generated Monte Carlo simulations.
The SSP Models provide:
Synthetic Color-Magnitude Diagram (SCMD);
Integrated Color Indices and their 1-sigma statistical uncertainties (over 5000 independent Monte Carlo simulations);
Surface Brightness Fluctuations (SBF) amplitudes.
We adopt two procedures to populate the SCMD. Stars with are generated randomly, while stars with
binned in mass intervals properly chosen. Models in the age range
, while
models for ages
The corresponding CMD files are identified by the file-extension
*.cmd (
), and *.lcmd (
), respectively. The
number of stars with masses in each mass-bin is indicated in the
last column of the CMD files (
random star;
binned masses. Please, note that the *.cmd files should be considered as
an example of the CMD expected for the SSP of the given age and
chemical composition.
The methods used to derive SBF are extensively explained in
Raimondo et al. (2005); Cantiello (2004); Cantiello et al. (2003); Raimondo (2002). Basically,
we adopt two procedures to compute SBF amplitudes. The standard
procedure (-procedure, see e.g. Cantiello et al., 2003) is based
on the analysis of population's integrated magnitudes, and computed
over 5000 Monte Carlo simulations for each model. SBF values from this procedure
are recommended for stellar systems with a high number of stars, and
spatially-unresolved stellar systems (galaxies). For
spatially-resolved systems (e.g. star clusters), we also developed a
procedure which is based on the SCMD of single populations
-procedure, Raimondo et al., 2005). In this case, we provide the
mean SBF values averaged over 5000 independent Monte Carlo simulations, and the
related SBF statistical uncertainties. The RS-procedure is
recommended for under-sampled and spatially-resolved populations.
We provide models computed assuming three different atmosphere models: BaSeL3.1 (Westera et al., 2002), BaSeL2.2 (Lejeune et al., 1998; Lejeune et al., 1997), and Bessell et al. (1998). We suggest to use BaSeL3.1 models.
In the web-site there are two different ways of downloading files:
Quick Download: This option allows you to retrieve the files containing Integrated Color Indices and SBF amplitudes for SSP of all the chemical compositions and ages available. In details:
the ssp_BaSeL31_B1.mean.color file lists the integrated color indices averaged over 5000 Monte Carlo simulations, the mean values and the standard deviation are reported for each.
the ssp_BaSeL31_B1.std.sbf lists the SBF magnitudes from the std-procedure (see Raimondo et al., 2005).
Download the specific quantities for single model:
The models' files included in the library are available
in compressed archive files (gzipped tar files) named
ZxxYyy.tar.gz, where Z refers to metallicity and Y to helium
content in stellar models:
Z34Y245.tar.gz |
models for |
Z=0.0004 |
Y=0.245 |
Z13Y246.tar.gz |
models for |
Z=0.001 |
Y=0.246 |
Z43Y251.tar.gz |
models for |
Z=0.004 |
Y=0.251 |
Z83Y256.tar.gz |
models for |
Z=0.008 |
Y=0.256 |
Z12Y259.tar.gz |
models for |
Z=0.01 |
Y=0.259 |
Z22Y273.tar.gz |
models for |
Z=0.02 |
Y=0.273 |
Z42Y300.tar.gz |
models for |
Z=0.04 |
Y=0.300 |
Each *.tar file contains sub-directories marked by the
ages and mass-loss rate prescriptions adopted in the models: es.
XX |
Age (Myr) |
tp |
Thermal Pulses included |
YY |
B1: mass-loss rate by Bloecker (1995) (see Raimondo et al., 2005) |
B21: mass-loss rate by Bloecker (1995) (see Raimondo et al., 2005) |
BH1: mass rate by Baud & Habing (1983) |
Each sub-directory XX_tp_YY contains the files:
ssp_BaSeL31.cmd |
ssp_BaSeL22.wfpc2.cmd |
ssp_BaSeL22.nic.cmd |
ssp_BaSeL31.color |
ssp_BaSeL22.wfpc2.color |
ssp_BaSeL22.nic.color |
ssp_BaSeL31.lcmd |
ssp_BaSeL22.wfpc2.lcmd |
ssp_BaSeL22.nic.lcmd |
ssp_BaSeL31.sbf |
ssp_BaSeL22.wfpc2.sbf |
ssp_BaSeL22.nic.sbf |
ssp_BCP.wfpc2.cmd |
ssp_BCP.nic.cmd | |
ssp_BCP.wfpc2.color |
ssp_BCP.nic.color |
ssp_BCP.wfpc2.lcmd |
ssp_BCP.nic.lcmd |
ssp_BCP.wfpc2.sbf |
ssp_BCP.nic.sbf |
In details, the files ssp_Transf.xx are named according to the following table:
ssp |
simple stellar population |
single-burst models |
Transf |
color-temperatures tables: |
BaSeL31 |
BaSeL3.1: Westera et al. (2002) |
BaSeL22 |
BaSeL2.2: Lejeune et al. (1998); Lejeune et al. (1997)2 |
xx |
information available |
cmd |
Synthetic Color Magnitude Diagram |
for masses generated randomly |
lcmd |
Synthetic Color Magnitude Diagram |
for binned masses |
sbf |
Surface Brightness Fluctuations |
color |
Integrated Color Indices |
properties |
Useful properties of the models |
The files named ssp_*.*cmd list:
ssp_BaSeL31.*cmd: |
Col. 1: |
Mass |
Star mass |
Col. 2: |
LogL |
Logarithm of the bolometric luminosity (solar units) |
Col. 3: |
LogTe |
Logarithm of the effective temperature |
Col. 4: |
Log g |
Logarithm of the gravity |
Col. 5: |
MV |
Absolute V magnitude |
Col. 6-16: |
Color indices in standard UBVRIJHK system |
Col. 17: |
f |
number of stars in each mass-bin |
( |
ssp_*.nic.*cmd: |
Col. 1: |
Mass |
Star mass |
Col. 2: |
LogL |
Logarithm of the bolometric luminosity (solar units) |
Col. 3: |
LogTe |
Logarithm of the effective temperature |
Col. 4: |
MV |
Absolute V magnitude |
Col. 5-10: |
Color indices in the Johnson-HST/NICMOS system |
Col. 11: |
f |
number of stars in each mass-bin |
( |
ssp_*.wfpc2.*cmd: |
Col. 1: |
Mass |
Star mass |
Col. 2: |
LogL |
Logarithm of the bolometric luminosity (solar units) |
Col. 3: |
LogTe |
Logarithm of the effective temperature |
Col. 4: |
MV |
Absolute V magnitude |
Col. 5-9: |
Color indices in the Johnson-HST/WFPC2 system |
Col. 10: |
f |
number of stars in each mass-bin |
( |
The files named ssp_*.color contain the integrated
color indices for the 5000 Monte Carlo simulations computed with the age and
chemical composition. The files list:
ssp_BaSeL31.color: |
Col. 1: |
MV |
Absolute Integrated V magnitude |
Col. 2-8: |
Integrated color indices in UBVRIJHK standard filters |
ssp_*.nic.color: |
Col. 1: |
MV |
Absolute integrated V magnitude |
Col. 2-7: |
Johnson-HST/NICMOS integrated colors |
ssp_*.wfpc2.color: |
Col. 1: |
MV |
Absolute integrated V magnitude |
Col. 2-6: |
Johnson-HST/WFPC2 integrated colors |
The file named lists few properties
of the models. In details, the file lists:
ssp_*.properties: |
Col. 1: |
Nmod |
Simulation Number |
Col. 2: |
Age |
Age (in Gyr) |
Col. 3: |
Total mass |
Total Stellar Mass of the simulation ( |
Col. 4: |
Mto |
Mass of the Turn Off star |
Col. 5: |
Nhb |
Number of HB and AGB stars (for ages larger than 5 Gyr only) |
Col. 6: |
Average HB mass (for ages larger than 5 Gyr only) |
Col. 7: |
Mtip |
Mass of the brightest star in the simulation |
Col. 8: |
Ltip |
Luminosity of the brightest star in the simulation |
For comments and suggestions, please contact:
Gabriella Raimondo
INAF-OA Teramo, via M. Maggini, s.n.c., I-64100 Teramo
Phone: +39 0861 210490-209, Fax: +39 0861 210492
1 The first release of the SPoT web-site comprises only the B1 models. Please, check the web-site soon to find the models for B2 and BH prescriptions.
2 Transformations tables from Origlia & Leitherer (2000).
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Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996,
Nikos Drakos,
Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999,
Ross Moore,
Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney.